Our Solutions

Directly from Government Sources

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HS Code Match (AI)

Option to choose different HS codes reporting standards. 99.9% match rate. Accuracy rating provided.

Import Duty

6-digit HS Code import duty to 91 countries. Presence of duty free tariff lines. Includes preferential duty rate schemes.

HS Goods Trade Data

Export/Import trade volumes ($) and weight (kg) covering 140 countries and 7,900+ HS codes.

Import Regulations

Domestic market standards that protect human, animal, or plant life or health, such as food safety and products spec standards.

Dangerous Goods

For transport of goods via sea, land and air, to detect presence of hazardous substances that require DG packaging.

Export Regulations

HS Goods all non-tariff-measures export regulations, including license and export control measures.


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  • Download all our search results

    All our results tables are available to download in excel format.

  • AI powered Matching Algorithm

    Simply search by 'product name' or 'HS Codes' and we will match the regulations using AI.

  • Network graph to visualise regulations.

    Navigate easily through complex regulations sorted by HS codes or commodity types.