HS Code Match


AI HS Code match to 133 countries' HS Code National Standards Descriptions with accuracy score.

Customs Regulations


Import/Export regulations with product restrictions, such as prohibition, licensing requirement and TBT/SPS.

Import Duty


HS Code Import Duty Rates, including FTA rates provided with information on Rules of Origin.

Dangerous Goods


Using AI to detect presence of DG substances such as batteries and flammable chemicals.


One subscription for Global Regulations Access

Millions of customs regulations from 133+ countries and AI matching algorithm all accessible with a single subscription. Get started, starting as low as $36/month.

AI Regulations Matching

We don't just use traditional language AI models to match the regulations. We use billions of real-life product data and millions of records of past shipments reported to the Customs Authorities and Terminals to find the best matched regulations.


HS Code Match using AI

Using millions of previous records of real-life shipments being reported to terminals and Customs Authorities, Moaah uses an AI modelling to match multiple HS codes based on a product name. We support 26 languages and have library of commercial item names being matched to HS Codes.


Global Regulations Coverage

Moaah collects 133+ countries' regulations directly from government sources including the European Union, USA, UK, China and countries in the Africa, South America and South East Asia. If there is a country missing, you can request to us for free.


Accuracy Scoring for HS codes

Based on a product name, we match multiple HS codes with accuracy score rating using factors such as product category classification, NLP to identify the proximity to the HS code descriptions using WTO standards, and historical declarations matched by real-life shipments.


AI Product Restrictions Alert

From Dangerous Goods to customs restrictions, Moaah is able to detect HS Codes and internal components of the products to match to the destination and origin countries' import, export and transport regulations. Our modelling is based on billions of real-life shipment data.


How we work

One-Stop Search Engine

Search by Product Name

Product names that are commercial brand names, item descriptions or in non-English language accepted.

HS Codes Matched

Multiple HS codes matched with accuracy rating score using 133 countries' national HS Codes standards.

Regulations Matched

Import/Export regulations, trade regulations, domestic product standards, import duty rates, FTA rates, Rules of Origin and Dangerous Goods Regulations.

Over 130+ countries' trade regulations and data from government sources.


Our Solution

1 Subscription, Full Access to our database.

  • AI powered HS Code Match

    Simply search by 'product names' and we will match 6-digit HS codes with 99.9% accuracy.

  • Directly from Government Sources

    All our data is directly sourced from government agencies and we do not rely on any private third party sources.

Our Data

Directly from Government Sources

View all our solutions

HS Code Match (AI)

Option to choose different HS codes reporting standards. 99.9% match rate. Accuracy rating provided.

Import Duty

6-digit HS Code import duty to 91 countries. Presence of duty free tariff lines. Includes preferential duty rate schemes.

HS Goods Trade Volume

Export/Import trade volumes ($) and weight (kg) covering 140 countries and 7,900+ HS codes.

Import Regulations

Domestic market standards that protect human, animal, or plant life or health, such as food safety and products spec standards.

Dangerous Goods

For transport of goods via sea, land and air, to detect presence of hazardous substances that require DG packaging.

Our Packages

Start as low as $36 per month. We offer corporate pricing for larger search volume.
Speak to us to find out more.

Starter Plan

Free Trial Available

$ 36 / Monthly

Start Free Trial
  • 30 Search Credits
  • Access to all database
  • AI Searching Algorithm
  • Upload CVS file for bulk processing
  • Live Support



$120 / Monthly

Purchase Plan
  • 300 Search Credits
  • Access to all database
  • AI Searching Algorithm
  • 3 Users
  • Live Support



$325 / Monthly

Purchase Plan
  • 5,000 Search Credits
  • Access to all database
  • AI Searching Algorithm
  • 10 Users
  • Live Support

Integrate with our API

Transparent and
Cost effective

Looking to integrate our database to your service or product? We provide an affordable pricing for our APIs with our live chat customer support, including technical assistance.

  • Technical Support
  • Scalable and Affordable pricing
Our APIs called
Customs Authorities
trade data
avg. processing
years of