
Export Regulations

Connected to 140+ countries' government sources, we provide all information relating to import regulations of HS Goods, including prohibition, licensing requirement, quotas, and other non-tariff measures. If you are exporting goods to another country, we provide information such as Licensing, permit or registration requirements to export Requirements by the Government of the exporting country to obtain a licence or permit or to register before exporting products.

Export Regulations include:

  • Export registration requirement
  • Inspection requirement
  • Technical Export Measures
  • Control Measures
  • Other export formalities

Our Results:

  • Multiple 6-digit HS Codes that can be matched
  • Export Measure Description
  • Administration Information (source of legal act and ruling )
  • Description of the goods that are restricted in question (as released by the government)

Example of Export Measures Results in our Platform:


Our Database

91 Countries

We are connected to 91 Countries' Customs Authority and Government Data Sources to bring you the latest released regulations.

AI Matching Algorithm

We provide 99.9% match for HS Codes and import regulations based on a simple 'item description' search.

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  • Download all our search results

    All our results tables are available to download in excel format.

  • AI powered Matching Algorithm

    Simply search by 'product name' or 'HS Codes' and we will match the regulations using AI.

  • Network graph to visualise regulations.

    Navigate easily through complex regulations sorted by HS codes or commodity types.