HS Goods Trade Data
Moaah provides consolidated database of HS Goods Trade Volume Data, such as trade volume, weight and value between bilateral trade lanes between two countries, or overall export or import volume of the HS Goods to the country in a year. The trade lanes include 'export', 'import', 're-import' and 're-export'.
Our Sources are:
- Customs Authorities of individual countries
- National Statistics Department of Government Agency
- Intergovernmental Agencies such as OECD, WTO, the United Nations and World Bank
Our Results:
- Multiple 6-digit HS Codes that can be matched
- HS Goods Trade Volume (US $)
- HS Goods Trade Weight (kg)
- HS Goods Trade Lane (reporting and partner countries) and Trade Flow (export/import)
Example of our Data (WorldBank Version)

Example of our Data (OECD-WTO)

Our Database
91 Countries
We are connected to 91 Countries' Customs Authority and Government Data Sources to bring you the latest released regulations.
AI Matching Algorithm
We provide 99.9% match for HS Codes and import regulations based on a simple 'item description' search.